Monday, 27 February 2012


So I kind of feel that it would be rude of me not to get my tuppence in about the Brit Awards.

How did you do yours for twenty-twelve?

I did mine in style with my GBF, a cheeky pizza and two bottles of pink wine. We may or may not have spend 99% of the time tweeting but a girl's got to do what a girls got to do.

So firstly, I have to comment on the subject dearest to my heart. Ahem, gingers.

So proud of my boy (let me have the dream, okay), Ed for his two Brits - Best Male Artist and British Breakthrough Act.

And after smashing his performance into little pieces, hands up who thought that he was going to stay in his jeans and tee ensemble all night?!

So how excited (and somewhat sexually aroused) was I when he cracked on this gorgeous navy number? As a self-confessed ginger expert, I can categorically reveal that navy is a particularly good colour for gingers as it is not as harsh as black on their skin tone but also brings out their hair/eye colour. Plenty more ginger facts coming your way ;)!

All bants aside, so much respect for our Sheeran. I'm sure you've all heard the story about him flitting round the country with just his guitar and the clothes he was wearing to gig to get his music out there and finally putting up the video he made for 20 quid on YouTube. Oh what a difference a year  (and a shed-load of raw talent) makes, ey?!

Congratulations Ed!

Outfit Awards:

The ladies:

How stunning did Jessie J look?!
The last couple of big events we've seen her tone down the catsuits, leotards and purples wigs in exchange for some jaw-droppingly gorgeous couture numbers and this is no disappointment.

From her sheer daring Falguni and Sean Peacock dress (just look at that detailing!) through to her 40s glam hair and do not even get me started on those HD Brows. Next level definition right there.

Jessie, you may not have scooped up any awards but you certainly gave us something worth watching for. Best JJ look yet, we salute you girl.

Now in my eyes, our Holly Willoughbooby can do no wrong.
So when she sauntered onto le carpet rouge in this gorgeous black shift dress, I'm pretty sure we all had just two things on our mind...
Boobingelle Holly, that beautiful hourglass looks like absolute part encapuslated in her signature shift style number with a great peplum detailing to show off her fig.

Anyway I must dash but I'll be back with an update very soon. 

mwah. xo

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